Yankton County State's Attorney's Office
The State's Attorney's Office is located on the first floor of the Yankton County Courthouse and Safety Center building at 410 Walnut Street. Use the entrance on the west side of the building.
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday
8:00am to 5:00pm
(605) 665-4301
(605) 668-1883
410 Walnut Street, Suite 100
Yankton, SD 57078
Yankton County Poor Relief
To apply for Poor Relief through Yankton County you would need to contact the Yankton County State's Attorney's office. To read Yankton County's Poor Relief Guidelines Click Here.
Jury Duty
Information for jurors can be found at http://ujsjurors.sd.gov/
The Yankton County Schedule can be found by clicking the link, selecting your E-Courthouse, selecting Yankton County from the dropdown box and selecting the Juror Reporting Instructions link.
Protection Order Forms
There are two kinds of protection orders: Domestic & Stalking. Domestic protection orders are between "family & household members". Stalking protection orders are for other persons.
Under SD 25-10-3, there exists an action known as a petition for a protection order. When that person requesting the protection order alleges an immediate danger, the court may grant a temporary protection order pending a full hearing. SDCL 25-10-6. A temporary protection order is in effect for 30 days. SDCL 25-10-4. The respondent must be personally served SDCL 25-10-7. A hearing date will be set within those 30 days to allow the respondent and the petitioner to be heard and determine if a permanent protection order remains effective until the permanent order is served. SDCL 25-10-7.1
South Dakota Protection Order Petition and Information
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